We're genuine geeks trying to make something user-friendly -- which means that we usually miss the mark. So we have compiled a few FAQ (frequently asked questions).   FYI (for your information), we really dig TWAs (three word acronyms).  So PST (please sit tight) and HNF (have no fear), WHT (we're here to) AYQ (answer your questions).  BTW (by the way) some of these TWAs are ficticious. Use them at YOR (your own risk).

Question 1.0 : How do I use Chubba?
Question 1.1 : What is the Usenet?
Question 2.0 : How does Chubba work?
Question 2.1 : What does Chubba run on?
Question 2.2 : How can I put a Chubba Search Bar on my home page?
Question 3.0 : Can I work at Chubba?
Question 3.1 : I work at Chubba, how do I get out?
Question 4.0 : What is a Chubba?
Question 5.0 : Is Chubba environmentally safe?

Question 1.0 : How do I use Chubba?
Answer 1.0 : On Chubba's home/front page, there is a box that allows you to type in what you're looking for. So, do that first. Next, there are things called "radio" buttons. Right now, you can search the Web, Usenet, Weather, Dictionary, and Encyclopedia. So, for instance, if you're looking for web pages on "joni mitchell", type in her name, make sure that The Web radio button is checked, and press Search.

If you're looking for a weather forecast, type in your ZIP code or city and state, make sure that the Weather radio button is checked, and press Search. All of the resources work just like these two examples.

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Question 1.1 : What is the Usenet?
Answer 1.1 : The Usenet is a huge network of discussion where you can post and read messages on a gazillion different subjects. Almost every single topic of interest is covered by the Usenet. Many people are intimidated by the Usenet, but swell companies like DejaNews make it easy to interact with the Usenet. In the past, the Usenet was comprised mostly of text messages -- but throughout the recent years, it has become a haven for binary files. Most ISPs provide Usenet access, so for more information about accessing your local Usenet server, contact them. Otherwise, search the Usenet with Chubba. If you think "world wide web" is cool, you will definitely feel the same way about the Usenet.

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Question 2.0 : How does Chubba work?
Answer 2.0 : Whenever you send a search query, one of four Chubba employees runs frantically to nine different terminals. He/she waits a few seconds until all the results are in, sorts them in a word processor at his/her primary station (after typing them in manually, of course) and zooms them off to your browser.

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Question 2.1 : What does Chubba run on?
Hard work and sweat, if you've read Question 2.0. Oh, you mean the hardware? We employ 922 hamsters (in hourly shifts) that turn the plastic fly wheels.   This gives us enough power to run our clustered-array of 1500 Timex Sinclairs.   During heavy load, the human treadmill is deployed to power our Apple //e, the 1MHz tower of power.  But really, we're using Intel CPUs, generic RAM, Seagate and Quantum hard drives, Adaptec controllers, Linux OS, Apache, and the Texis DBMS by Thunderstone.

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Question 2.2 : How can I put a Chubba Search Bar on my home page?
That's an easy one. Click here for instructions. And by the way, thank you in advance for adding our search bar -- we're certain your visitors will appreciate the Chubba Search tool.

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Question 3.0 : Can I work at Chubba?
Absolutely! We're an equal opportunity employer. One stipulation, you must work for free.

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Question 3.1 : I work at Chubba, how do I get out?
Please, be quiet, close this browser, and get back on the treadmill. And would you quit writing letters about us to Amnesty International?

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Question 4.0 : What is a Chubba?
It truly does depend on what "is" is.

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Question 5.0 : Is Chubba environmentally safe?
Chubba is CFC free (yet another TWA). We recycle at Chubba. Our big Culligan water bottles are apparently recycled. We turn off our monitors at the end of the night. Ahh, and we only wash our coffee mugs every other month.

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